Base64 Encoder | Encode Base64 Online

Copy Encoded Base64

Base64 Encoder is a free and online tool to encode text in Base64 encoded format. This tool also support HEX to base64 encryption.
You have to provide Text or HEX data input, the tool will encode the input data to Base64 format. After encryption of data, you can use an encoded string in web pages as images or some other object.

Encode Base64 Online

Base64 is an encoding process that converts binary or text data in ASCII format. Encryption is used when data is transferred from one machine to another over the web. This Base64 Encoder tool performs this encoding perfectly.

Use Of Base64 Encoder (3-Steps)

  1. Provide input text above.
  2. Base64 encoded string will appear instantly.
  3. Done! copy encoded Base64 text.

Other Base64 Encoding Tool

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